It’s the festive focal point, adorned with decorations and lights and filling your home with that special seasonal scent, so which tree will you choose?
No needle drop NORDMANN FIR
No needle drop makes the Nordmann Fir our best selling tree!
It boasts a lovely symmetrical shape, good dense branches and glossy, dark green needles that are soft to touch – perfect if you have little ones.
4ft – 8ft Available
There’s no better feeling than hand-picking your perfect Christmas tree – it really celebrates the start of the festive season.
But after the struggle of getting it home, it’s important to keep it looking fresh and knowing how to properly care for your tree can be the difference between it looking full and healthy or sad and bare. So here are our easy tips for looking after your real Christmas tree.
1- Take your tree out of its netting as soon as you get it home to prevent mould and fungus growing in the damp branches.
2- Place your tree in a conservatory, garage or somewhere that it is protected from wind and sunlight to allow it to adjust to room temperature gradually before bringing it indoors.
3- Cut a few centimetres off the bottom of your tree and place in a stand with a water reservoir.
4- Allow your tree to drop before decorating and locate your tree away from any heat source such as radiators. Heat will dry out the tree and it will lose its needles faster.
5- Water your real tree every day to keep it looking plump and full. A dehydrated tree will start to droop and wilt very quickly, so moisture is the essential ingredient in looking after your tree. A real Christmas tree can drink 1 to 2 litres a day depending on its size and your heating.
Quintessentially festive, Poinsettia’s is a firm favourite to brighten up your home this Christmas. Also known as the Christmas Star or Christmas Flower, it is said that this winter flower’s association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend.
With proper care, your Poinsettia can last long past the festive season. Here are a few tips to keep your Poinsettia looking healthy!
1. Don’t over-water. Overwatering can quickly lead to waterlogging, which can causes root rot.
2. Avoid cold drafts. Poinsettias need warmth and light so keep close to a radiator but away from any draughty areas
3. Place in indirect sunlight. Sufficient light is needed for the plant to grow and thrive so place by a south-facing window.
For a Christmas tree that lives on, opt for our pot-grown trees which can be planted in your garden after the big event!
Now available in store
Whether you need help choosing the perfect tree for your home or loading your tree into your car, our wonderful Christmas team are always on hand!
We make sure that all our trees are responsibly sourced from trusted suppliers and are of superior quality – ready to bring seasonal cheer to your home!
festive Lighting
Nothing says Christmas like twinkling lights so give your home an inviting glow with an abundance of festive lighting!
Christmas Villages Scenes
These scenes are intricately detailed and a perfect Christmas gift and can be used year after year.
festive figures
Add some sophisticated sparkle to every corner of your home. Whether it’s the garden, windowsill or even as a mantle piece.